An attitude of Gratitude on the completion of 10th year of my Episcopal ministry in the diocese

An attitude of Gratitude on the completion of 10th year of my Episcopal ministry in the diocese:
I thank and praise our Lord Almighty for the blessings and graces that I have received in the last 10 years of my episcopacy and ministry in the Diocese of Thuckalay. My motto has been – With God All Things are Possible – and God has been very benevolent to me since my calling to catholic faith, the gift of priestly vocation with the Salesians of Don Bosco and choosing me to lead the Diocese of Thuckalay. I gratefully acknowledge that the priests and religious serving in the diocese have been walking with me in the fulfilment of my mission as the second bishop of the diocese. Every encounter with you has taught me lessons to be faithful to the mission. I have learnt a lot from your love for the Church and the people and I continue to learn from your life and works. All of you have effectively shared the mission of the diocese with dedicated service. I implore every one of you to continue your selfless assistance in carrying forward the mission that has been entrusted to us by Our Lord Jesus in our diocese. Your support has been immense and is highly appreciated by me. A big thank you to all.