Visit by the Curia Members from Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad on 25 September 2022

Visit by the Curia Members from Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad:
From the Major Archiepiscopal Curia, Kakkanad, 8 Fathers and one regent brother came to visit our diocese and the pilgrim centres and shrines in Kanyakumari district from 23 – 25 September 2022. The team consisted of Vice chancellor of the Curia, President of the Tribunal, Secretaries of Syro Malabar mission, internet mission, commission for catechesis, liturgy, Media and Clergy. In three days, they visited major institutions and mission stations of our diocese. On 25 September, Sunday they celebrated Holy Qurbana at Anayadi Parish. For them, it was totally a new and enriching experience. I thank them for spending three days with us and I thank Rev. Fr. Joshy for organizing their programme in the diocese and all the Fathers and Sisters those who welcomed them very cordially in your institutions/parishes.